The Unimaginables

What makes your heart sing?

I love helping others to design their path using their own experience, capabilities and ecosystem. I love looking back and feeling of having been relevant in the people’s  or company´s path to success.

What are you most passionate about in your work?

The magic of aligning and synchronizing a crowd to row in the common direction and strategy they have co-created is a feeling of value creation that I only have felt facilitating crowdSTRATEGY. 

Realizing that the common strategy can be built on the experience, knowledge and values of the mission and of the whole ecosystem, minimizing compromise while maximizing engagement, is more than passion… It’s happiness.

What can you create?

Give me a case (a strategy to reinvento or improve),  give me a crowd of 12 to 30 people (part of an ecosystem you want to align around the case) and I’ll put the system to work in the design of a common strategy towards the common mission.

What makes your heart sing?

I love helping others to design their path using their own experience, capabilities and ecosystem. I love looking back and feeling of having been relevant in the people’s  or company´s path to success.

What are you most passionate about in your work?

The magic of aligning and synchronizing a crowd to row in the common direction and strategy they have co-created is a feeling of value creation that I only have felt facilitating crowdSTRATEGY. 

Realizing that the common strategy can be built on the experience, knowledge and values of the mission and of the whole ecosystem, minimizing compromise while maximizing engagement, is more than passion… It’s happiness.

What can you create?

Give me a case (a strategy to reinvento or improve),  give me a crowd of 12 to 30 people (part of an ecosystem you want to align around the case) and I’ll put the system to work in the design of a common strategy towards the common mission.