The Unimaginables

What makes your heart sing?

Two things get me into that state where things just flow, like in a good song. The first one is being there for family and friends, that is deeply connected to figuring out the why and tapping into an underlying sense of motivation and service to others. The second one is being active in nature, being useful and part of something bigger is great for the body as well as the soul. Sometimes I need to find that underlying motivation to get out there but I never regret it afterwards.

What are you most passionate about in your work?

Creating clarity around a vision and then executing on it with good people. If I am having fun with people I like on something that will improve things however small or big, the topic hardly ever matters, the passion will come. It can be brainstorming disruptive ideas, designing a new pricing model or writing policy documents, with the right ingredients it is always a passion project.

What can you create?

Big dreams and the pragmatic steps to get there.

What makes your heart sing?

Two things get me into that state where things just flow, like in a good song. The first one is being there for family and friends, that is deeply connected to figuring out the why and tapping into an underlying sense of motivation and service to others. The second one is being active in nature, being useful and part of something bigger is great for the body as well as the soul. Sometimes I need to find that underlying motivation to get out there but I never regret it afterwards.

What are you most passionate about in your work?

Creating clarity around a vision and then executing on it with good people. If I am having fun with people I like on something that will improve things however small or big, the topic hardly ever matters, the passion will come. It can be brainstorming disruptive ideas, designing a new pricing model or writing policy documents, with the right ingredients it is always a passion project.

What can you create?

Big dreams and the pragmatic steps to get there.